
The design of autonomy: EU foreign policy officials in action

When it comes to the formulation and implementation of foreign affairs policies, EU member states have firmly defended their national prerogatives. Thomas Henökl and Jarle Trondal, however, show that even in the unlikely case of foreign policy, EU-level bureaucrats working for the European External Action Service (EEAS) enjoy surprisingly high levels of autonomy from EU governments. Read their recent article “Unveiling the anatomy of autonomy: dissecting actor-level independence in the European External Action Service” published in the Journal of European Public Policy to explore how the EEAS’s bureaucratic structure helps to preserve the behavioural independence of its staff.

Winners of JEPP’s Best Paper Prize 2015: Theresa Kuhn and Florian Stoeckel

JEPP’s Best Paper Prize 2014 winners: Theresa Kuhn (University of Amsterdam) & Florian Stoeckel (European University Institute)

JEPP now awards a JEPP Best Paper Prize for the best paper published in a regular issues. Two members of the editorial board, Dan Kelemen and Sebastiaan Princen, took on the task to select the best paper published in JEPP in 2014. After weeks of hard work, they have chosen the paper by Theresa Kuhn and Florian Stoeckel, ‘When European integration becomes costly: the euro crisis and public support for European economic governance,’ JEPP 21(4): 624-641. Read the congratulatory statement by the prize committee.

JEPP to launch new format: the Debate Section

Debate_sectionJEPP announces a new format for special collections of articles, the Debate Section. This section will comprise a number of brief articles (maximum of four), which take contrary or complementary standpoints on a common issue. The debate format is meant to particularly encourage submissions on topical and controversial issues (while being based on rigorous social science research). The debate section articles are subject to our normal double-blind peer review process and each contribution to the Debate Section should not exceed 5,000 words. Michael Blauberger (University of Salzburg) has joined the editorial team as editor of the Debate Section. Michael is also responsible for the Research Agenda Section, which was previously edited by Robert Thomson (University of Strathclyde). We thank Robert for his service to JEPP (and are more than grateful that he continues to be one of our most hard working referees on the editorial board). Contributions, or suggestions for contributions, to both the Debate Section and Research Agenda Section are highly welcome at any time. Read on to find out more about these formats. You can reach Michael at

New Journal Citation Report data: JEPP in top positions

JEPP_citationThomson & Reuters has released the new impact factor scores for 2014 this summer. After some lobbying, JEPP is now listed not only in the Public Administration section (where it definitely belongs), but also in the Political Science list (where it most definitely belongs). JEPP’s 2014 two-year impact factor score is up from last year and now stands at 1.817, which is the highest score JEPP has ever received, and which brings the journal to 21/161 on the Political Science list and 7/46 in Public Administration (a significant improvement compared to last year). JEPP is also among the top twenty political science journals listed in the 2015 release of Google Scholar (in 9th place, with an h5-index of 35).

Welcome to JEPP Online!

JEPP’s editorial team (clockwise): Jeremy Richardson, Berthold Rittberger, Philipp Schroeder & Michael Blauberger

The JEPP editorial team welcomes you to JEPP Online, which informs you about the most recent developments in the Journal of European Public Policy. JEPP Online will provide you with information on important deadlines (for instance, to submit proposals for a Special Issue), calls for papers (such as for our new Debate Section), prize announcements, and our Virtual Special Issue collections, among other things. Moreover, JEPP Online will highlight content from the journal, which the editors want to bring to your special attention. You can also receive JEPP online as a newsletter, which brings you the latest about JEPP straight into your inbox at regular intervals. Sign up to the newsletter now.
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