
Research Agenda Articles: Word Limit Extended to 8.000

JEPP encourages submissions of manuscripts for the Research Agenda Section at any time of the year. Typically, contributions to the research agenda section are broader in scope and more open-ended than individual research articles. They are expected

  1. to review the state of the art in a particular field of interest and, against this background,
  2. to develop an innovative research agenda with broad appeal to JEPP readers (i.e. going beyond the author’s individual research agenda).

Meeting both aims in 5.000 words proved challenging in the past, which is why we extended the word limit to 8.000.

Research agenda articles can depart from a review of recent trends in an established field of research or bring together different literatures around one common topic or concept. Previous contributions to this section have been very well cited and have also been used for teaching purposes, i.e. as research-oriented updates to conventional textbook chapters. Research agenda articles are subject to the normal peer review process and are edited by Michael Blauberger (for any questions, please contact him: